Our work to organize your space

  • Phone call

    A phone call will allow us to meet, discuss your goals, and to outline our work together.

  • Sessions

    We will work together on a designated space over the course of one to a few sessions. We will evaluate, curate, and create your new space.

  • Follow Up

    A follow-up phone call a week after the end of our sessions will allow for continued support or questions in upkeeping your space.

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.

-John Maeda

How I work and what you can expect

  • Clear goal setting

  • On-site visit and assessment

  • Guidance throughout the five-step process: evaluate, eliminate, curate, create a space, and donate

  • Follow-up support

Pricing for sessions

  • I believe this work should be accessible to everyone. I work on a sliding scale and can work with your budget.


How do I prepare for my session?

There is minimal work preparation prior to your session. However, setting aside time where you will not be interrupted or distracted is necessary.

How long is a session?

A session is generally 1-3 hours with time built in for cleaning up.

can i organize a shared space, like my partner’s closet?

No. Only the owner of the space can request organizing. This is to ensure success and minimize problems.

Do I have to get rid of things?

No, it is not required. The owner can decide whether to display, store, or donate their items.