Hi, I’m Minnie McBride.

It’s lovely to meet you. I am deeply passionate about sharing my gift to help people clear, arrange, and establish a harmonious home space. I believe that our spaces are magic; it’s where our dreams and intentions take root, and where we are most nourished.

Organizing was something I enjoyed throughout my life, from childhood to adulthood. At first a hobby, working on projects with others is very rewarding.

My method developed over two decades of organizing my home spaces, and my friends and family spaces. My passion kept growing in all areas of the home including gardening and tidying. Combined with fifteen years as a Montessori teacher, I bring a valuable and unique perspective to space clearing that is a combination of Maria Montessori’s work, Marie Kondo, Denise Linn, Karen Kingston, and what I call Minnie’s Method, a unique way of working I’ve developed over the last number of years.

Today I help clients in California clear their space. Benefits are akin to how someone feels when they do a detox retreat. Their minds are calmer, they are happier, and more at peace, things in their life suddenly start to flow and shift for the better. Clients suddenly get the job, lose weight, and feel unburdened by something significant. I consider myself a well-being practitioner because that is how closely our spaces are tied to our happiness and quality of life experience. Happy home, happy life.

Credentials and Certifications:

The Denise Linn Method for Clutter Clearing Certification

Masters, Teaching, Dominican University

Montessori Teaching Credential

BA Environmental Science, Oregon State University