Organizing Inspo and recommended reading

Occasionally I need assistance in getting motivated to organize and tidy my own space. What helps me get inspired is turning to a few of my favorite leaders in the field and their books on organizing, tidying, clutter clearing, and Feng Shui.

I read Marie Kondo’s book Joy at Work this spring, coauthored with Scott Sonenshein. At the same time, I was organizing my desk and work storage. Using the mindset of being open to new things, I applied many of Kondo’s suggestions and practices. Looking at my desk, I recall that Kondo points out that Americans like to have more joy sparking items on their desk than the Japanese do. Kondo herself keeps one joy-sparking item on her desk, typically a crystal. I also applied her cleaning of the desk by wiping it down each morning and spraying an aromatherapy mist as a ceremony to begin the work day. My go-to aromatherapy mists are rose, lavender, or eucalyptus.

Sometimes what fits in my schedule is listening to the audio version of the book, while I do others tasks. Either way, I recommend trying out what speaks to you, not trying to 100 percent replicate or implement. This is the go slow to go fast philosophy for success.

Lastly, something I appreciate about this growing field of organization and clutter clearing is that there are many ways to go about it. Seeking inspiration and motivation from an author you resonate with is one helpful step along the way.

As Linn says in Sacred Space, “Your home can be a place of renewal and hope. It can be a sanctuary within which you can retreat and recharge during the changing times, an oasis of peace…you home can be a template of harmony within which you and all who enter can be invited to step up to higher level of spiritual frequency.”