Organizing for harmony in the home.

Meet Minnie McBride.

You can have a home that’s ordered and calm.

Gentle Lessons

Through gentle lessons, I will teach you all the skills you need to organize and maintain your new space.

Support without judgment

I will support you kindly, respectfully, and without judgment.

No Overwhelm

With my experience, I can help you navigate any challenges that arise. We’ll work together to keep it manageable and doable.

Happy Clients

My Approach

A home should be organized, beautiful, tidy, and comfortable. My goal is to help you live simply and with more calm. Living in an ordered space frees both energy and time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

go slow to go fast

Learning to put a home in order is a skill that can be developed over time.


The owner of an item should be the one to decide whether to keep or clear it.


Keep only what is manageable.

Mutual respect

I believe in holding confidentiality, bringing compassion, and maintaining a judgment-free mindset.

Intentional purchasing

Apply intentional purchasing and, whenever possible, choose sustainable, non-toxic options.

my five-step process


Once we have cleared the excess, we will curate your remaining belongings. This step involves organizing and arranging your items in a way that is both functional and beautiful. By curating your space thoughtfully, we aim to highlight what you love and use most, creating an environment that feels both personalized and inviting.

Through my five-step process, I aim to create spaces that reflect your personal style while promoting a sense of peace and well-being.


The first step is to evaluate your space and belongings with a compassionate eye. Together, we will take a gentle, honest look at each area of your home, identifying what items bring you joy and which ones may no longer serve you. This step is about understanding your needs and envisioning the space you desire, without any rush or pressure.


Next, we will focus on eliminating items that no longer add value to your life. This isn't about getting rid of things for the sake of it, but rather making thoughtful decisions about what to keep. We will work together to release items with gratitude, making room for what truly matters to you. This process is handled with care, ensuring you feel comfortable and supported throughout.

create a space

With your curated items, we will create a space that reflects your personal style and promotes a sense of peace and well-being. This is where your vision comes to life, transforming your home into a sanctuary that supports your lifestyle. My goal is to establish a harmonious, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing environment that brings you joy.


Finally, we will identify items that can be donated to those in need. This step allows us to pass on useful items to others, extending the life and purpose of belongings that no longer fit in your home. Donating is a way to give back to the community while lightening your load, and it’s done with mindfulness and generosity.